
Background Information:
We grow basil in the summer from late June through early October.

Basic Usage and Cooking Strategies:
Basil is traditionally used in Italian and Southeast Asian dishes. Gently pull the leaves from the stems and chop gently to avoid bruising. Add at the end of cooking to keep the flavor and aroma fresh. Add basil to salads and sandwiches for a burst of flavor. If making a pesto, don’t limit it to pasta, it is a great addition to soups and spread on toast or on sandwiches.

Storage Information:
Store with the stems submerged in water, on your counter in a cup or jar as if it was a bouquet of flowers. Cover loosely with a plastic bag to extend the shelf life. It can be kept in the refrigerator if needed, in a plastic bag with a wet towel.


Easy Tomato Soup with Basil
Cucumber Watermelon Salad

Rancho Calypso      |     1120 Commerce Avenue # 7, Atwater, CA 95301      |     (209) 201-1053      |     [email protected]

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