
Background Information:
We start harvesting potatoes in May and they are available through the summer. We typically grow Yukon Gold potatoes that have a thin skin and yellow flesh.

Basic Usage and Cooking Strategies:
Potatoes are great roasted, season with salt and your favorite spices, toss with olive oil and cook on a baking sheet in a single layer. Boil with other root vegetables and mash together.

Storage Information:
Our potatoes are harvested and sent out to our customers over a period of a few days, and are not cured like commercial, store bought potatoes. If you are using them in the next few days you can store them at room temperature in a dark place. They can be stored for several weeks in the refrigerator.


Potato Leek Soup
Mixed Roasted Vegetables

Rancho Calypso      |     1120 Commerce Avenue # 7, Atwater, CA 95301      |     (209) 201-1053      |     [email protected]

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