Winter Squash

Background Information:
We grow several varieties of winter squash, spaghetti, butternut, delicata and acorn. These are similar plants to the summer squash, but they mature for a longer period of time and develop a hard outer skin. They are naturally sweet, and benefit from roasting in the oven.

Basic Usage and Cooking Strategies:
Roast whole or cut in half and scoop out the seeds, sweeten lightly or try savory herbs like sage and thyme. The flesh can be eaten once cooked scooped out of the shell or try making a pureed soup or mash like potatoes. The seeds of all squash are edible and are great salted and roasted in the oven.

Storage Information:
Store for 4-5 days on the counter or for longer storage the can be kept in the refrigerator.


Roasted Delicata Squash
Roasted Butternut Squash with Goat Cheese and Walnuts
Spicy Butternut Squash Soup
Butternut Squash Baked Doughnuts

Rancho Calypso      |     1120 Commerce Avenue # 7, Atwater, CA 95301      |     (209) 201-1053      |     [email protected]

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